Why Regular Dermatologist Visits Are Essential

Why Regular Dermatologist Visits Are Essential

Dawson Dermatology has a skilled team of dermatologists Dr. Kevin Dawson, Dr. Douglas Chun, Dr. Sarah Grekin, and Dr. Erin Fuller, in Honolulu, HI, dedicated to helping you get healthy and beautiful skin. How often do you need to see a skin doctor? Keep reading about why regular visits are essential and contact us today to schedule a visit.

How Often Should I See My Dermatologist?

You probably see your primary doctor annually for a check-up, but when was the last time your skin had a checkup from a dermatologist? If you have a condition like psoriasis or allergies that affect your skin we may already be your go-to dermatologist, but anyone benefits from at least an annual visit with a skin doctor.

Another popular reason people see a dermatologist is for help managing acne. If you are on an acne treatment regimen you will want to check in with your dermatologist every couple of months so they can examine your skin and adjust your regimen if needed. Following your skincare routine daily and keeping regular appointments are essential to clear up your acne.

Even when you do not have a chronic skin condition, it is important to see your dermatologist in Honolulu, HI, or annual visits to screen for skin cancer. If you have a predisposition or a higher risk of skin cancer due to family history, we may want to see you every six months for an exam.

Why Are Regular Visits So Important?

Maintaining a great relationship with your Honolulu dermatologist means we can help you manage acne, adjust your skincare routine, and regularly screen you for skin cancer. At skin cancer screenings we examine your skin and check moles and dark spots for signs of cancer.

Skin cancer is dangerous but it has a high cure rate when detected early. However, a certain type of skin cancer called melanoma spreads aggressively, so regular skin checks can save your life by diagnosing melanomas early. You should also make an appointment anytime you notice a new mole or if a mole has changed in appearance.

Book An Exam Now

Dawson Dermatology can help you take the best care of your skin so it stays healthy and glowing. Keep up with your annual visits to be screened for skin cancer and keep your skin looking youthful and beautiful. Contact us for an appointment with Dr. Kevin Dawson, Dr. Douglas Chun, Dr. Sarah Grekin, and Dr. Erin Fuller, at (808) 599-3780.

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